The Zero Carbon Municipality Program is an initiative of CNR, CNM and Instituto Clima, which originates from the Caminhos de Peabiru Pilot Project, conceived by Maria Tereza Uille Gomes. The Program seeks to include municipalities in the implementation of climate policies aligned with international objectives and targets.
The size of our country makes any transformation seem like a huge challenge. A sustainable Brazil, where do we start? The branding created embraces the idea of collaboration, sum, that one plus one is two. Brazil has 5,570 municipalities. There are 5,570 opportunities to make a difference in Brazilian climate change. And it was this concept that we represented visually in the brand. A map of Brazil that, in order to make a difference in the implementation of climate policies, needs all its little pieces.
Climate Institute
Branding | Visual Identity | Pictograms | Site
Client: Climate Institute
Year: 2022
Climate Institute
Branding | Visual Identity | Pictogram | site